This site is maintained by Albert Warda. If you like what you've read here? Hate what you've read here? Write something
that you'd like me to consider for a future issue? Please get in touch!
Just click this address to send
albert warda
P.O. Box 18, Moscow, 129642, Russia Telephone: S.Osipov (7-095)-935-0155, -233-5387 R.Bidjamov
(7-095)-131-2575 E.Badalov (7-095)-163-9418 Telefax: (7-095)-935-0155. E-mail:
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you can always stay up to date!
Contributor's Guidelines
If you have any current story or any historical fact(s) relating to Assyrians in Russian and the former republics
please share it with us on this website.
Qala Atouraya SW 49M/ MW 612 kHz and MW 1049 kHz Saturdays
7:00-8:00 PM Moscow, Russia Coverage: Russia, Armenia, Georgia & the Middle East