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     We continue to publish our Bulletin, and we appreciate the efforts of its subscribers very much for this. Among first contributors were our pern1anent readers as well as good friends, namely:

Dr. Vallo Benjamin, N.Y., USA

Mr. Ilia Ishoev, Moscow, Russia

Mr. Albert Warda and Mr. Sargon Warda, Arizona, USA

Mr. Ezaria David, Chicago, USA

Mr. Gewargis Daniel, Sydney, Australia

Rev. John Booko, Michigan, USA

Odeesho Khambeshaya, Moscow, Russia

 Sabri Alkan, Wiesbaden, Germany

 Mr. Josef Osipov, Tbilisi, Georgia

     We appreciate them being around and understand that this is their apprehension of our work in the Bulletin that makes us find more energy and skill to push "Meltha" to new heights to meet requirement from our dearest compatriots in pursuit of our common nationalistic goals.

Editorial staff