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1998, Volume 4, No.1 (8) page 3



     In all times the Assyrian woman has been not only the keeper of the national hearth, but also of the national spirit as she has always been the safeguard of all national priorities and showed stead- fastness and much courage that a rare man could ever show. From the legendary Semiramides to the heroic Shamiram Georgis Assyrian women always won admiration from their worshippers as well as from their enemies. In modern times we have had many occasions to seen how our men lost their hope in the face of persecution and exile, or they found no more strength to work for any good future for them and their families. But then anew generation came and the 'situation became better as the youth had been nourished and educated by their mothers in the strong belief that the nation would be as powerful as their glorious ancestors. Yes, a generation that would come along with pride and dignity. In all times Assyrians have dedicated their best songs and poems to their mothers paying their dues to their kindness, grandeur and utter devotion to families and nation as well.

     On the eve of the Women ' s International Day, a beautiful holiday on 8th of March we should like to give the floor to our wonderful women. As we promised before, this issue of the Bulletin will include stories by Assyrian famous female writers, Magdalena Gruzinova, Juliette Bet-Kaplan and Mary Manukjan-Jukhanova. But above everything, now we should like to hear our editor Mrs. Tamara Bet- Tamraz.