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1997 Volume 3, No.1(7)  page 33


     In June this year the first issue of the Assyrian newspaper «A vjuta» ('Unanimity') of the Assyrian National Congress of Georgia (ANCG) was published. The front page was full of congratulations to the editorial staff from Mr. Alexei Gerasimov, advisor of nations relation to President of Georgian Republic, Mr. David Chanturia, chairman of the Council of Nationalities of Gweorgian Republic, ANCG president Mr. Joseph Ivanov and Mr. Yuri Davidov, chairman of the ANCG Council Board. The materials were given in the Georgian and Russian languages.

     The first issue contains articles about the formative years and activities of ANCG, spiritual and brotherly links and associations between Assyrian and Georgian peoples, and also about the celebration of the Assyrian New Year «Kha b'Nissan». Obviously the readers will like to be aware of the independent film studio «Bi- Tachu» run by scriptwriter and film director Amiran Bidjamov whose major works are documentary' Assyrians in Georgian Republic' and feature film 'Light in the labyrinth' .Also the issue contains some representative material about the life of Assyrian Diaspora as the digest of the World Assyrian press.

     We congratulate the «Avjuta» Editorial staff as well as all Assyrians in Georgian Republic on this wonderful occasion. May this success stay with you for evermore.

«Meltha» Editorial staff.

For those who would like to stay in touch with «Avjuta», please, here is their mailing ad- dress, Askhinis Str. 3, Tbilisi, 380108, Georgian Republic.