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1997, Volume 3, No.1(7) page 34 |
The Russian daily
newspaper "Nezovi- simaya" (The Independent) of 27 February 1997 came
out with a story entitled 'The Great Assyrian on the Heraldic Symbol of Moscow
City' composed by Dr. S. Osipov. It should be emphasized. that the material was
in focus as it really made a splash among its readership. Besides, its title
carried the subtitle 'The Assyrian Apostolic Church that brought Christianity
into China exists to the latter day' .This material actually was published in
the section 'History and the Gospel' under the heading 'Prior to Chalkedonians'
The above mentioned story was a response to one material previously published by
O. Lebedev in the same newspaper under the title 'Church in the Land beneath
Husky'. The author presumes that it was Catholic mission that came first to
teach Gospel in China. Unfortunately they also tried to influence and control
local policies. As a result, in 1368 the emperor Chu as he was discontent with
activity of foreigners began to persecute Christians. In his article Dr. Osipov
prints to one certain inadequacy made by O. Lebedev in his story. Obviously, it
was not ill-thought or done deliberately, and if this is the case it should just
be discounted. But as it seems, distortion of facts has a system of its own for
due to this in- adequacy the role of the formerly great nation diminishes. But
it really was a great nation which once stood at creation of the civilization as
well as at inception of Christianity. It means a nation which still uses the
Aramaic language, the one of the Bible and of Jesus Christ as well.
Furthermore, pr. Osipov turns to focus on Professor P. Y. Saeki's book (see the
article of His Grace Mar Geewargis Sliva in 'Meltha' No.l(5), 1996), and the
Russian Vice Consul R.I. Termen ' s notes which say of the Assyrian Christian
mission's arrival in China as early as in 7th century AD. The history itself
bears many facts of Assyrian contribution to the cause and propagation of
Christianity. The following separation of
Assyrians into different confessional groups like Nestorians, Jacobites,
Maronites, Chaldeans, only reflected social and political unrest in the Middle
East, and eventually diminished the position of the Church of the East. However
one should bear in mind that all these confessions initially belonged to one
Assyro-Aramaic Church of the East.
The article also focuses on' an age-long existence of Eastern Christians among
Muslims. Despite heavy repressions it was not overshadowed by forced
Islamization, for example, as it was predetermined by Muhammad's prophesies.
While the Western missionaries as of 19th century had been working on
disintegration of the formerly powerful Church' .
In conclusion Dr. Osipov states, «Today Assyrians are a long forgotten nation
in the world although its issues have more than once been discussed both in the
League of Nations and recently in the United Nations Organization. But there has
been no mentioning about Assyrians exposed to genocide in Iraq. This way the
right of Assyrians to the international status of refugees though they never
leave their homeland in search of a better life in the West but try to survive
the inevitable annihilation.
As Assyrians made a great contribution to the world civilization and to progress
of Christianity, it would be unjust to deny it. Assyrians have always lived well
together with any nation no matter what religion dominated. But they always have
been proud of its ancestors and not only of warriors or conquerors, but also of
builders, scholars, healers, astrologers, educators and missionaries as well.
The nation also feels proud that its missionaries baptized the people of
Republic of Georgia that became a homeland for many generations of Assyrians,
and as much this pride builds up when we see the figure of the great Assyrian
from Kappadokia, Saint George by name that shines on the Third Rome's heraldic
symbol of Moscow City as well».