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1997, Volume 3, No.1(7) pages 35-37 |
How to Build up Intolerance
Just on the first day of the new Assyrian year of 6747 which is 1st of April on
the Assyrian time calendar and which is celebrated in the Moscow Palace of
Youth, the popular Moscow evening newspaper 'Vechernaya Moskva' came out with a
page- long story 'The double shadow of Zero' by G.Beltadze. By the use of
deliberately false accusations the author tried to prove to the public at large
the existence of the Assyrian organized criminal group (OCG). In his
exceptionally cynical allegations based on street talk and rumors he just
accuses the entire Assyrian community in Moscow without a cause. G. Beltadze
stated particularly,
«In terms of the Assyrian criminal cause even in the Ministry of Internal
Affairs they have too different opinions about it. Some believe that Assyrian
mafia is one of the most powerful criminal groups in Moscow. Others assert that
this problem does not exists at all. As a matter of fact, the assumed Assyrian
OCG has no definite structure or armed groups...
And yet Assyrian crime groups have long been known in Moscow. Back in the time
of societal stagnation Assyrian criminal authorities used to stuff shoe parlors
or shops as well as to put up funds for the needs of community or to settle
conflicts between Assyrians. Besides, they were in control of Moscow butcheries
as it always has been a traditional trade for them. The unofficial leader at the
time was the director of a tailor and shoe repair shop. He was very instrumental
in helping the Assyrian committee in so many ways. For example, he was allowed
into the USSR Internal Affairs minister's office of general Scholokov. He is
said to have done it just free and easy...
Assyrian criminals are supposedly very crafty swindlers and thieves, but their
main 'specialty' has always been assault and robbery. In the police archives of
1970s and 1980s one can find an unofficial police term 'the Assyrian method of
robbery'. This method was usually performed after some preliminary work
including preparation of a potential victim through his psychological
portraying, personal inquiry, ferocity of execution and very skilled
Police tell of Assyrian criminal world in terms of the shady economy. In words,
Assyrian criminals are the people on the crest of the wave. It means they are
every- where but nowhere indeed. They furnish expertise to every other criminal
group around. They can be go-betweens or money lenders as well. They are like
one more shadow cast by the shady economy. This is the mastermind of all
criminal groups. If these people are criminals, then they are something special
for they wear white collars and white silk gloves instead...
In their long history Assyrians have gone through many trials and tribulations
but have outlived many authorities like the Assyrian king Sargon, the Persian
king Darius and even both of Alexander Macedonian (besides the famous warrior
and king alike, here is meant a Russian killer nick- named Alexander Macedonian
that was murdered in Greece recently -editor). Assyrians have gained in only one
basic art of making money». r The Assyrian community of Moscow applied to the
Moscow Evening Newspaper editorial staff with a claim to publish might : be in
focus for you as well.
The 'Double Shadow' of Genocide
The article by G. Beltadze 'The
double shadow of Zero' published in the Moscow Evening Newspaper as of 1 April
seems to , have been designed to make another contribution to the whole
conception of the author, namely to bring to the attention of all Muscovites the
peculiarities of so called 'ethnic' criminal groups which operate in Moscow and
beyond. Now there is much talk of the' Assyrian trail' as they did a lot j of
talking of the 'Tchetchen' , 'Georgian' , , Azherbaidjan ' or other trails. But
this time a 20 000 strong Assyrian Community of Russia is held responsible for
every crime that was just recently incriminated to Tchetchens mainly. This way
Assyrians are being charged for forged bank advice operations, big money
swindle, gambling control as well as drug traffic in Moscow, the so-called
'dirty money wash-off' (critics claim it is almost half of it allegedly in
Moscow!), etc.
It is no doubt a very 'tough' publication, , but not very original indeed.
Especially if
Objection arises naturally because this publication once claimed to be a
sensation actually lacked in well consistent facts, otherwise it looks like a
compilation of out- dated scraps of rumors (supported by 20 year old photo
pictures in hand), or false convictions.
But the main reason or motivation to have this letter published in the newspaper
in response was that Mr .Beltadze creates a breathtaking myth to tell the narrow
minds about the oldest nation on the planet, the people that came to settle down
in Russia, as early as in the late 1911 century but who remain virtually unknown
in the land of their habitation. This is a nation that has repeatedly been
closed to mass media centers, but then suddenly being brought into highlight in
a page long story full of insinuations or ill thought generalization. Therefore
it hits home all the same. Now the word' Assyrian' sounds like it contains some
abuse really. Mr. Beltadze's insinuations have already been broadcast as he
presumably meant it for ordinary people who have been driven to despair by crime
rise and corruption at the top power level as well. It admits no doubt that
these masses will probably respond to this information most equally. Moreover,
this publication might as well be used by police as another good excuse just to
hold up someone with a nose shaped unlike Slavic without even asking him to
produce ID or any paper. As it happens, creation of one more public enemy from
one nation will be continued most successfully.
The historical review by the author apparently was made from unknown and
probably strictly confidential archives of the Academy of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs making a complete revision of the Ancient Assyria' s history.
According to the author, the 'terrible Assyrians' were destroyed by Aramaics (?)
in the late 7111 century BC. The classical history has .it that Nineveh was
destroyed by the army from Midia, Babylonia and nomadic tribes, but thanks to
the author the history itself was reviewed. Using
Focusing on the 'criminal underground' in his publication the author brings out
a charge on the whole nation making no exception to the cobbler or butcher. This
publication will obviously remain in the history in its unprecedented concept ional
meaning as an explicit example of ethnocide ideology.
Anyway the author promptly transforms all the cobblers and shoe polishers into
somewhat a 'mastermind center for criminal groups' , the so-called 'criminals in
white collars and gloves' .For this purpose he simply picks up a few elementary
Assyrian criminals and adds to them some well- known authorities such as Russian
Vjacheslav Ivankov, Jew Mark Milgotin, Georgian Otari K vantrishvili, Armenian
David Khachaturov. But he tries to build a link with the whole Diaspora
highlighting , Aissors who have reached highs in the art of making money only' ,
though there certainly might be some single criminals among them indeed.
Formerly, accusations made against some national criminal groups were obviously
predicted by certain political circles, and as a rule, they were part of
military conflicts (for example, in Abkhasia and Tchetchnja, some attempts at
sovereignty in Tatarstan, etc.). But then nobody thought of a little nation
which never claimed its own statehood or autonomy by this analogy.
Therefore, the question is who is interested in such a dirty heavy-handed
propaganda of ethnocide'? Apparently those who want to distract public attention
from them. We mean the circles that actually hold ownership of banks, gambling
houses, oil industry and mass media as well.
During the cease-fire in Tchetchnja the 'Tchetchen trail' has been dropped. At
the top political level in Russian Federation they repeatedly raised the
question of some CIS countries moral infringement focusing
The hard-working Assyrian nation has proved all down in its history to be
faithful to their native land. Thousands of Assyrians perished in the Great
Patriotic war (the 2nd world war). Three of them were decorated with National
Hero honors in the Soviet Union. And now Assyrians are building no financial
pyramids but churches in Moscow and Kiev with their own funds only.
This nation presumably has been on its way to the Church of Jesus Christ as they
have always in their history believed in the future for it is said in the Bible,
«In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a
blessing in the midst of the land; whom the Lord of hosts shall bless, saying,
Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine
inheritance» (Isaiah, 19:24,25).
Davitashvili, Dj/'ma -professor, president of Association 'League of Russian Assyrians'.
Peter -chairman of Moscow Assyrian Association 'Khayadta'.
William -chairman, Charity Foundation for Assyrian orphan children, disabled and
Gewargisov, Mikhail -head of Assyrian Youth Cultural Center 'Shamiram'.
Arsanis, Marona -chief editor of the radio program ' Kala Atturaya '.
Vladimir- deputy chief editor of 'The Assyrian newspaper'.
Bet-Tamraz, Tamara -deputy chief editor of the Assyrian public-political bulletin 'Meltha'.
Aslanov, Yuri -chairman of Moscow City community of the Assyrian Church of the East.
Gewargis -docent, Moscow Diplomatic Academy.
Alexander -doctor of philosophy, Moscow State University.
Evgeny -professor, doctor of Physics and Chemistry, Scientific Research Institute
of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Sargis -doctor of Medicine, Ph.D., vice-president of Assyrian National Congress.
lvanov, Alexander -candidate of Chemistry.
Joseph -postgraduate student, Moscow State University.
Till now the Evening Newspaper of Moscow has not found an occasion to publish
the answer of the Assyrian Public of Moscow presumably thinking that only one
who enjoys more rights is always right in the society which knows no justice.