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Meltha 2000, No 10  pages 17-20


     The Russian press ("Nezavi.')imaya Gazette", 1st July, 1998) published an article of a well- known American diplomat, the representative of the State Department in the CIS states Mr. Steven Sestanovich. In his quite voluminous article Mr. Sestanovich portrayed the cooperation of the USA and Russia in brightest rainbow colors and estimated the positions of both countries in the question of Near East problems solving as identical. It was quite clear: the American diplomat tries to convince the Russian public, that the USA and Russia should play the same game, that Russia is interested to support the USA position since that position is mutually acceptable and mutually advantageous.

     In connection with this article Dr. S. Osipov  proposed a different point of view. But his article, entitled "Russia and the Near East", was published in the same newspaper only on the 18th December 1998 (under the subject heading "Polemic'). It should be reminded that the article appeared only when the USA and their allies began to bomb the cities and villages of Serbia. When it has become quite clear that the USA with the aid of NATO acting .from a position of double standard, try to establish their undivided leadership and to dictate their terms in all regions of world The "Human aid" has shown that the imperial ambitions and tactical moves of the USA by the end of the 2Oth century do not differ .from the ambitions and moves of the British empire by the end of the 19th century. With the only difference that the tragic history is repeated as a tragic farce.

     We offer to our readers the article of Dr. S. Osipov published in the "Nezavisimaya Gazette " and his post scriptum from the present-day positions.



Russia and the Near East

By Dr. Sargis Osipov

     The positive as a whole point of view of an American diplomat Mr. Steven Sestanovich (article "The diplomacy of sharp elbows is gone into the past") to my regret does not arouse any delight, since it does not herald any changes in the Near East policy of the USA.

     The author tries to persuade Moscow that its interests coincide with the Washington ' s ones. The solution of the Near East problem Mr. S. Sestanovich is seeing from the standpoint of his predecessors at the times of cold war: the weapons should be delivered to Israel but should not to the odious Syrian regime. And he says nothing about immense weapons deliveries to the same odious regimes in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc. And all this at the time when in Saudi Arabia, in contrast with Syria, the religious intolerance reached an unprecedented level of obscurantism, without a parallel even in the most dark periods of the Middle Ages.

     The Near East always was a stumbling-block at the times of revision of world. The present-day world antagonism in the long run is also caused by the claims to control the Near East.

     The historically formed relations of the Soviet Union with the Near East were fully subordinated to the interests of the two world systems struggle. Therefore the Soviet Union was forced to support marginal, but military and politically wear regimes serving as bridge-head for the Soviet influence not only on the Near East region but also on the whole of the East. This allowed to some degree to block the "Silk Way" to the West.

The Russian Holy Trinity Cathedral in Jerusalem

     After the termination of the cold war and the disintegration of the socialist camp the world political map changed radically. Under the existing instability Russia comes to firm confidence in the rightness of the foreign policy priorities of the USSR (maybe in order that at least in that way to recover a part of the former stability). In order not to be fully removed from the political play in the Near East by the USA- Israel tandem, Russia satisfies its regional and global ambitions by means of support of Pan-Islamic ambitions of a series of countries. After a sound evaluation of the arisen situation these countries urge Russia to advantageous for them steps using the Islamic fundamentalism as a menace to territorial integrity of the northern neighbor.

     It is worth to take notice that at the end of 19th century the Orthodox missions of the monarchical Russia to a certain extent annoyed Persia and Ottoman Empire (because around these missions was concentrated a strong anti-Islamic movement). But at the end of 20th century Islamic missioners as if had their revenge .. upon the democratic Russia in return.

     At the existing correlation of forces it 5..i would be naive to think that Russia and the USA could equally influence the Near East situation and accordingly equally to derive dividends. ~

     But it is conceived still more important that the Near East being the cradle of the three great religions, today blazes in. the fire of antagonism of the two from them.   Islam and Judaism. The third force which always counterbalanced this equilateral triangle of holiness is absent.

     The initiatives of Laurence the Arabian and Winston Churchill until now, remains a "standard" of .the Near East policy. The artificial creation of Arabian states confederation separated by the Jewish center in Palestine from the Suez Canal zone (and consequently from the West) represented a guarantee of the control over this strategic region. Just such a goal pursued the Memorandum of Sykes- Picot accepted in February 1916, the 1 Declaration of Balfour (2ndNovember 1917) and the Versailles Treaty which ,;1 marked the beginning of creation of these  Arabian states

     Not without the efforts of the West on the Near East disappeared the third force capable without the outer intention to create the balance of Interests. This balance  first of all should secure .the peaceful development of the region as it was since the times of the Prophet till the English mandate in Mesopotamia and Trans- Jordan.

     Anybody hardly remembers the East Christians today. Only seldom one mentions of Maronites, Monophysites, or quite exotic sounding Arabians-Christians. The confessional self-names are passed off as ethnonims and ethnonims are transformed into neologisms, corresponding to the political demands of one or another regime.

     The East Christianity arose on the abundant ground of Aramaic-speaking population of Mesopotamia. It kept its autonomy under the most cruel rulers including Abdul Gamid regime using the status of "millet" i.e. of a religious community. The Assyrian people and ethnic related peoples. retained their language, writing, culture and national traditions. These ethnic related peoples formerly together formed the Great Assyrian Empire and thanks to our savior they rose from ashes. Since then their essence began to be determined not by the ethnic, but by the confessional belonging. So were arisen Nestorians, Jacobites, Maronites, Syro-Chaldeans, though all they originated from the single Holy Apostolic Catholic Church of East..

     Present-day Russian politicians should realize that the situation on the Near East (formed since the times of Laurence and Churchill) can be changed only by means of rehabilitation of full and equal with other rights of East Christians. The frontal antagonism of two forces on the Near East must be transformed into the equilateral triangle of forces. III this triangle each of the sides will be compelled to seek an ally among the other two. Such a threefold unity will become the base of peace and cooperation and will permit Russia to carry on its own independent. policy.


p .s. For the last year the situation formed in the world politics because of the events in Yugoslavia has led to radical changes in the interrelations of many countries including the Near East ones. The new political doctrine of the USA that proclaimed almost the whole world a zone of vital interests of only one country, has revealed the essence and the true goals of the Great Powers covering their expansive trends with the peacemaking and humane slogans. Over again the Balkan states became an experimental proving ground. But this time the experiment is characterized by the complete ignoring of the world public opinion and of the authority of UNO.

     In Russia the "young reformers" (Gaydar, Choobice, Nemtsov) unleashed an unprecedented robbery of the national property and reduced their own country to a critical state verging towards a civil war and complete disintegration of the country. At the same time the "young reformers" in the West (Clinton, Blare) try to establish the same principles on a world scale and to place the whole world under the command of a handful of western oligarchs who regard their "democratic world outlook" as an absolute truth. Most of the sober- minded politicians in the world are convinced that the humane ideas of the Great Powers are illusory. In reality they pursue their own mercenary purposes and ignore the interests of small states and small nations. For example, Washington plays the Kurd card in such a manner that the destiny of this nation scattered throughout many countries depends upon the specific interests of the USA 'in the country in question. It is decided not the Kurd problem but the questions about the USA relation to Iraq, Iran or Turkey, which bear the responsibility for the violation of the national rights of Kurd people. The USA defend the rights of the Kurds in the hostile Iraq but silently agree upon the genocide against much larger Kurd community in Turkey. These short-sighted primitive actions of Clinton administration have become the best reasoning for revision of their policy for the countries, which blindly follow the fairway of the Washington policy.

     As a brilliant tactical move should be recognized the first steps of the Israel premier Mr. Ehood Barack. He refused to make the traditional first visit to his strategic partner in Washington D.C. Instead of this Barack made a series of blitz-visits to his nearest neighbors: to the Egypt president Mobarack, to the Palestinian leader Arafat, to the young Jordanian king Abdallah and to the Turkey president Demireel. Only after that premier Barack left for Washington D.C. That beautiful beginning showed that the nations of the Near East can solve their problems themselves, without the "humane" mediation of the Great Powers unapt to refuse from their imperial ambitions and own economic interests. Unfortunately, Arab leaders do not appreciate this peaceful step.

     The economic interests of the Great Powers determine their behavior and their inter-allied commitments towards the more weak allies and strategic partners. About this one can judge by striking episode from the memoirs of the Israel ex-premier M-me Golda Meir. After the "Trial Day" war in October 1973 Golda Meir spoke to a forum of the Socialist International and sharply blamed the behavior of all the European states (in majority of which socialists came to power) for their refusal to grant permission to American aircraft for refueling at European air-fields during their mission to Israel. In reply all Europeans together kept silence. One of members of Israel delegation remarked upon this silence: "Of course, they cannot speak. Their throats are choked up with oil!"

     It seems the Western civilized countries persuade all other that equal rights would not be given, they would be won. And as a rule by means of power methods. From the position of these countries we, Assyrians, can yet "support" in equal degree both from the USA or Russia and from Iraq or Israel.