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Meltha 2000, No 10  pages 24-25


     At modern times terrorism has been changing its color Red finally has been ousted by green. The world revolution conception has sunk into oblivion. And when something happens like this, we usually say "in for a penny, in for a pound".

     The Islamic ultra radicals following the world civilization trends have been riding on a global scale to spread their ideas and fighting principles all around them. This can easily be seen through their Internet playas well as by escalation of political and religions strife on all continents. The modern world is fragile. It is like walking on thin ice now. Almost everywhere in the former Eastern-block countries the situation is tense and fraught with the threat of terrorism. Such areas like Bosnia, Kosovo, Northern Caucasus, Tadjikistan and Kirgizia, where globalization of the conflicts was first set afoot, just are swollen with violence and terror which have reached Asia and Africa as well following the cease of confrontation between major world powers on these continents. The political gaps between the walls of two world civilizations are being actively filled with Islamic radicals longing to break these walls and make these gaps bigger. In this connection it is important to know the standpoint of the Christian world as large as NATO countries and Orthodox Russia. On the other hand, what is the driving force of Islamic radicalism?

     Let us venture to give an answer . 

     The powerful propaganda of the West followed by the mass media of the former socialist block has dominated over the public as of 1979 in all of its handouts trying to focus on "the original sin" of ayatollah .Khomeini and his followers. This incentive has very little ground especially when you know that powerful ayatollahs have failed to do away with Salman Rushdi whereas Arabian terrorists blew down the US embassies, shopping center in New York and elsewhere in the world as requested by a certain Ben Laden. It is just absurd to think that Teheran is the mastermind of evil. Not at all. Like cancer grows, the whole problem originally stems and extends out of the Arab East, where two powerful ethos, Persians and Arabs have shown throughout history the difference in culture, tradition and mentality.

     Bedouins actually have such a mentality which over years had molded them into a kind of marginal tribe or group like Saracens or buccaneers and other non-civilized clans who were orientated at nothing else than plundering the fruits of civilization. Having become the passion Aries of the new times they began with anew doctrine that in many ways coincided with what Muhammad, the Prophet, brought into the They were ruthless from the start on the ride to implant new ideals into the minds of the Arabs. The collapse of Baghdad caliphate and then of the Ottoman empire that had brought all Arabs around as one and molded them this way into one ethos, ended up the Arab domination over other Muslims. It seemed that the first world war would put to it the final stroke, but the policies pursued by Lawrence the Arabian and Winston Churchill, both were so much enchanted by the oil in the Arab lands at the time, happened to give Arabs one more chance. And they took it well. Anyway in the consequence the Western type of living found its way into hearts of the Arab population and the solid ranks of Muslims split. Arabs certainly understand that they are on the threshold of a big reformation spell. With all that Renaissance brought to Christians why should Muslims avoid this in the near future? Consequently the nations who once rode on Islam will inevitably move away from it in the next century. This way they will fall apart from the Arab determination hard line. And the language alone will have to be remolded too. The peoples who profess Islam will eventually want to use their native language for praying. As a consequence, the Arab East will ultimately lose its powerful grip on the whole Muslim world through Koran which was written in Arabic. The major point in the Arab world doctrine is pan Islamism which rests on the principle of denationalization ("all Muslims make one nation") which maintains only one whole Arab culture and mentality. Discovering their own national identity and their own range of interests many nations of the whole Arab world will inevitably have a departure from the classical understanding of Muhammad's prophecies.

     It is this fear of losing the grip that pushes Arab leaders to a radical face-off with the whole Christian world. In their extremities Arabs deny almost everything in the world, whether it is Judaism or Hinduism, or Eastern Christianity, Western Culture, Socialist and Communistic ideas. They have fear for everything that they find around. In fact, they just fear to lose their grip on power over masses in the Muslim world. And what is more, it seems that they will stand fast until the Muslim world changes somehow toward rationality so that the foundations of pan Islamism should curl up after all. In the event the whole world will possibly see Islamic reincarnation and as a result, human values will then prevail in the Arab world.

     Anyway it would be very naive to think ,that principles of democracy and liberal ideas will ultimately gain good ground in the East for whatever the West tries to do to implant its way of life in the minds of Muslims, they tend to reject it as hard as it gets to them. Anyway the Eastern Christians feel much in same way as they live a life virtually unlike their Western counterparts.

     In the view of Mr. Huntington's thesis on the conflict of two modern civilizations it is very important to define their aims. In a big way the Christian leaders tend to apply the classical double standard method in their relationships with the whole world. And this tendency apparently is propagated by both economic and political decisions to curl their competitors or rivals and eventually to have a grip on the world progression. Hence it is quite clear why the West backs up some reactionary Arab regimes in the attempt to maintain control over the territory of the former Eastern socialist block. On the other hand, some Russian politicians urge that some other reactionary regimes of the Arab East should be by all means supported to oppose the USA as their main target.

     Results were awaited to come.

     One thing is clear. Unless Russia and the USA join together on a firm stand to crush down on Arab countries which give money to stir up terrorism everywhere in the world, the latter will continue to spread the poison all over the world.

Dr  S. Osipov