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Meltha 2000, No 10  page 27



     Two lovely books penned by the so-called Arsanis dynasty were out recently in Moscow. Precisely one of the two, a large 282 page foliate " Aphorisms and Thoughts" put together by Rabi Marona Arsanis was first available in Moscow later in 1999, while the other, the well- known "The Fall of the Assyrian Kingdom" written by Rabi Benjamin Arsanis, was translated by M. Arsanis and published at the beginning of2000.

     In the preface to " Aphorisms and Thoughts" professor Konstantin Matveyev describes the world of Marona Arsanis, "Over 2,500 years ago in the reign of the Assyrian king Sinnakheribe there lived the Assyrian philosopher Akhikar who left to the world a book of wit in thoughts. The contemporary Assyrian philosopher Marona Arsanis as we may say, is the successor to Akhikar the Wise".

      The book compiled by the great writer and historian as well Rabbi Benjamin Arsanis has won a very good acclaim with Assyrians in Russia. In his reference to the book "The Fall of the Assyrian Kingdom" the professor S. G. Osipov highlighted, "In this concise handout B. Arsanis with flair and sincerity of a true patriot reflects on the revelation which is still veiled to so many, but which undoubtfully will find its way to them one day. This revelation as explained by distinguished Assyriologist A. Olmstead, is the author himself. "He was the shepherd-dog of civilization, and he died at his post".

     Before next year one more remarkable book will be out. This is the biographic story "Benjamin Arsanis and his family" by Rabi Marona Arsanis. This publication will be a great tribute to outstanding Assyrian writer, educator and enlightener Rabi Benjamin from his beloved son with faith and love.


  Rabi Benjamen Arsanis' Family