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1996, Volume 2,  No.1(5), page 20


     Recently some Assyrian and other newspapers have published a number of articles about the so called "Mosul issue". It is not just a casual concern for this issue bears on the economics of at least three countries of the region. Today it is 70 years since Iraq included Mosul Vilayett in its boundaries, but certain political circles in and beyond this region are trying to resume the "Mosul issue" in pursuit of some political goals.

     It is known that Assyrians were a real political force of the period when they positively worked for the decision over the Mosul issue in 1926. Yes, it was the" Assyrian factor" that turned the scales. Great Britain managed to keep for its mandated Iraq its "favored North", while Turkey took it out on Assyrians taking hold on their native lands in the Hakkjari mountains.

     The current position of Assyrian public organizations, political parties and prominent national workers on this problem is known. ,

     They all, as a rule, work for the united Iraq. On the other hand, some Assyrian politicians" among those fighters in the immigration can be engaged m some unscrupulous games against their own nation over the Mosul issue in a new history spiral. But it is saying the history wheel never runs back. And actually, it is true...

     But let us think back on a very dramatic period and look at the "Mosul issue" honestly like ~Assyrians should do, actually through the eyes of Dr. Fraidon Atturaya, the love son of the suffering nation. In the years before his tragic death in the autumn of 1926, Dr. F. Atturaya published a .1umber of bright analytical articles in "Zarya V ostoka" newspaper in the Soviet Trans Caucasian territory. He wrote on Assyrian affair including the Mosul issue.

     We suggest reading the article by Dr. Fraidoon Atturaya, entitled as "On the northern frontiers of Iraq", published in "Zarya Vostoka" newspaper dated from June 7.1925.

  Roland Bidjamov