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1996, Volume 2,  No.1(5) page 29




     To our members of the Assyrian Youth and Student's Union (AYSU), r.1long with some inhabitants of the district of Ankawa, were subjected to a criminal attack by protégés of the Kurdistan Student's Society and rogue militia members of their group. The brutal attack and beating of the Assyrian students alarmed the neighborhood and led them to seek help from the nearby center of the Assyrian Democratic Movement . (ADM). In response, a guard from the Ashur Television Station (Comrade Samir Moshi Murad) and the Assistant to the leader of the Arbil ADM Branch (Comrade Peris Mirza Sliwa) rushed to the scene to stop the attack on the students. Comrade Sliwa was unarmed at the time and without armed escort.

     The assistant, who had given written assurances to the central police the day before to stop their pro- vocations and assaults on the A YSU,  proceeded with their brazen lawlessness. They opened fire on our un- armed comrades and the crowd of people gathered around the students, killing Comrade Samir Murad and critically wounding Comrade Peris Sliwa. The armed attack also left a woman with leg wounds and a committee members of the Arbil Branch of the AYSU in serious condition from the brutal beating.

     We condemn this cowardly terrorist act, which violates all civilized norms. Also, we call on the authorities in Arbil to take immediate and necessary measures to put an end to the rogue militias. The safety and lives of the innocent citizenry must be protected, and the spirit of superiority and domination exhibited by some must be stopped. It harms the fraternal relations between peoples, is a negative harbinger for the future and only serves the enemies of the people.

Condolences to the family and comrades of the Mm1yr

Glory to our heroic martyr Samir Moshi Murad

Quick recovery to the victims of the criminal attack Death to the murderers

Assyrian Democratic Movement


Arbil Branch

Arbil May 13 1996


To the struggling masses,

     Comrade Peris Mirza Sliwa joined the galaxy of righteous martyrs the night of Tuesday, May 14,1996, succumbing to extensive wounds from the treacherous attack of lawless terrorists. He was the victim of rouge militias in the district of Ankawa on the evening of Sunday, May 12, 1996. He died at the hands of killers with wanton disregard for all laws and civilized norms. They do not subscribe to moral codes and do not respect human life or the rights of people to life and liberty. Our hearts are pained that this courageous and noble antifascist warrior, who struggled for freedom and democracy within the ranks of our Movement for fourteen years, should fall victim to a cowardly and treacherous attack while unarmed and attempting to save the lives of innocent students in Ankawa from attacks by lawless criminals.

     Our two martyrs Peres Mirza and his comrade Samir Moshi join the procession of the martyrs of our Movement and our Assyrian people, along the road to fulfill our people's independent will on our ancestral homeland Bet Nahrain.

     The heinous crime against the innocent calls on the responsible authorities in Arbil to take effective and resolute measures to stop the rouge militias, and to hasten the apprehension of the killers who are well known to all. The just punishment of these criminals is the only path to establish the rule of law and secure peace and tranquility.

Glory to the martyrs Paris Mirza and his comrade Samir Moshi

Death to the killers

Assyrian Democratic Movement

Political Bureau

Arbil,  May,  96