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1996, Volume 2,  No.1(5) page 30


Working group for minorities

(2nd Session, 30 April-3 May 1996)

Subcommittee for human rights in Geneva

Declaration of Association of Assyro-Chaldeans in France


     The people lost in the history and scattered allover the Middle East world, Assyrians, loyal citizens, never have been protected from persecution and encroachment upon their fundamental rights since the fall of Nineveh and Babylon, and then of Aramaic and Assyrian Kingdoms in Mesopotamia.

     These days like in the past they suffer from the pressure of assimilation. The policy of Turkization touches upon every aspect of the Assyrian life both in term of ethnic identity and even in term of Assyrian patronymics.

     Regarding religion, the liberty is badly in- fringed. The activity in monasteries put under governmental control has to slow down.

     Linguistically, the situation looks much more grave as the authorities try to keep only national language going.

     In the social and educational aspects, Assyrians suffer from total discrimination for they have no schools, even elementary, nor other social institutions at all. Educational centers are just prohibited.

     The authorities pursue the policy of Turkization of patronymic and toponymic names. Almost every Assyrian has to get a Turkish name. All Assyrian inhabited area are put hard to face the policy of ethnocide and ecocide as well. Cultural monuments and architectural beauties are in ruins. Worship buildings and monuments are threatened with devastation. People. have to leave the places round them. What must be done to preserve the Assyrian cultural legacy'? What does the future hold in store for them'! Will they be like a relic found in the Louvre or in Ankara? Alienation and consequently the loss of originality lead to the loss of personal names and surnames of the people.

     Since 1975 the immigration of Assyrians to Western Europe has considerably in- creased. Over 100,000 people have found refuge in France, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria Norway, Denmark and else where.



Thank you, Mr. Chairman

30 April 1996

Association of Assyro-Chaldeans in France