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1996, Volume 2, No2(6) page 8

Our Intellectuals:

A Tribute to the memory of Ivan M. Abdalov


     Ivan M. Abdalov passed away at 55 on 21 September 1996. It was an untimely death of an ardent patriot and truest son of his nation as well as a prominent educator, poet and "public figure. Moreover, it was a man with a heart of gold who devoted himself entirely to the national cause and his people alike. A dedicated enthusiast of the Assyrian history, folklore, and literature, he was in the highest rank of cultural workers of the nation.

     Rabi Ivan Abdalov was born on 5 November 1941 in the village of the Upper Dvin in the Artashat district of Armenia. After graduation from school he entered the philological faculty of the Erevan State University named after Brjusov in 1960. 8 years later he proceeded to take up post graduation course and after a very successful scientific effort he defended his thesis on "the Assyrians in the Soviet Union" and scored a doctor degree in philology.

     Thanks to his considerable effort the Ministry of Education of Armenia made by a special degree the Assyrian language and literature as part of the curriculum at the Upper Dvin school in 1972. Actually, many years had passed before it happened. Yet back in 1963 Ivan Abdalov along with A. Ishoyev filed a petition to the then highest communist party body, the plenum of the CPSU Central Committee on the importance of having the Assyrian language in the school curriculum. At that time this petition could have been considered as a nationalistic or even anti- Soviet action and most likely would have caused detention and repression altogether this action of matured resolution and courage brought many Assyrians around Rabi Ivan Abdalov and his friends. Those were the people who formed of the Assyrian Association of Armenia and later took active part in the organization of the USSR Assyrian Congress.

     Rabi Ivan was fond of the Assyrian poetry and folklore since his. Childhood. He wrote many poems and songs in co-authorship with the composer Leonid Edigarov. Rabi Ivan was taking a very active part in the Assyrian cultural life through his extensive connections with the Assyrian Diaspora. During his life- time he was collecting books making a very large library in the end. For example, he compiled all fundamental books on Assyriology. Recently he spent all his energies on organizing an Assyrian program with the Erevan State broadcasting corporation. Presently his sons, Arbil and Mikhail are working on his project as well.

Assyrians in the Russian Federation and CIS alike will always keep in their hearts and minds Rabi I van as a very kind, heartfelt man who loved his nation so dearly, a man of, high cultural and moral principles.

Rest in peace, all glorious sons of the Assyrian people!

Marona Arsanis

Sargis Osipov