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1996, Volume 2, No2(6) page 47

Current Events:

The First Assyrian Television Station


     The rise of the national self-awareness and revival of the national culture have been fruitful already. There is every reason to say that we have witnessed one very important historical event, namely, the opening of the Assyrian television station KBSV, Channel 23 at the Assyrian national cultural center "Bet Nahrain". Daily programmers have been telecast in the Assyrian and English languages from the town of Ceres (California) every day (Since 13 April, 1996). As said by Bet Nahrain Director of Mass Media, Dr. Sargon Dadesho, "The Assyrian television channel primarily is just a powerful instrument in preservation of the national language." All previous attempts at bringing our younger generations to the idea of studying their native language have unfortunately failed. This time around, it is the television that can be a modern use instrument in changing the attitude of younger generations towards the native language and the national cultural tradition.

     Longtime efforts made at the Bet Nahrain cultural center have undoubtedly brought the fruits putting it just ahead of the Assyrian Diaspora not only in the cultural sphere, but also in the entire Assyrian national movements. This is a brilliant example to show that the national revival needs a better approach from all sides of the problem and that the solution of the Assyrian national question can only be taken by virtue of a positive rise of the national self-awareness in terms of the national and world cultural growth.

     The "Meltha" editorial staff is willing to congratulate our brothers and colleagues with this wonderful contribution. Chebo, Bet-Nahrain!