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 1996, Volume 2. No2(6)  pages 46

Part II. Opinions:

21st Century: Struggle for diversity or unity in diversity

By Dr. S. Osipov

Diversity is a condition of preservation of our planet Boutros B. Ghali

     The universal declaration of human rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization in 1948 laid the basis for support of people rights to self- determination. Over the following 48 years a multitude of documents and resolutions has been worked out and adopted to define the principles of the international right to questions of setting up a sovereign, and independent state due to a free vote of a nation. This right is, legitimate if a nation suffers from exploitation, and its basic national, religious or any other rights are deprived in contradiction with the UN Charter. Any nation in pursuit of self- determination should be supported by such important world legal principles as (a) the historical right of a nation who seeks self determination to the given territory, (b) the evidence of genocide or ethnocide on the part of a ruling nation and/or its government, (c) the unanimity of the entire nation in pursuit of self-determination, and (d) its capability of political self control and economic independence.

     I believe there is nobody who will be able to argue that the Assyrian nation has, the right to North Mesopotamia. Facts of ethnocide from all forms of the artificial Iraqi political regime have many times been documented and discussed. It is clear that this substitute State created by the British colonial system on the ruins of the Ottoman Empire cannot be a long-term formation. Full harmony, peace and tranquility will be maintained on condition that all interests of every nation in such a disruptive region as Middle East will be taken into consideration. Besides, those interests should be based on a real possibility of self - determination, unanimity of the people in their pursuit irrespective of political, tribal or confessional diversity.

     It is a pity that the current UN policy is based on a double moral and legal principle of working out conflicts, hot bed issues and even world crises. In the absence of a thoughtful legal approach to the problem of the rights of nations to self-determination the UNO loses somewhat its authority, which is so instrumental in its development in pursuit of peace and prosperity of all nations in the world.

     The twentieth century has revealed an unprecedented strive for diversity. It has already featured a collapse of the colonial system and two world wars, which brought about over a hundred new independent states. This tendency is firm and steady, and the world community should work towards transformation of struggle for diversity into the process of unification of diversities. The 21st century must give a world without wars. So people should then work towards unanimity in understanding of the importance of further forms of diversity and in establishing legal governmental relations between nations, which have declared their right to self-determination, and the existing powers. The current dominating principle of territorial integrity and frontier stability of existing states may be the cause of the world holocaust, and the whole planet will probably be racked with conflicts like Karabach, Yugoslavia, Tchetchnya, or other critical situations, which still remain, unsettled.