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1995, Volume 1,  No.3-4, page 29




     Dear Compatriots,

     The tragedies of the past still remind us that we are just refugees, descendants of those who fled away from violence and hatred they had found in Turkey and Persia during the first world war .The seeming stability of the last decade has brought about a sheer uncertainty in the final des- tiny of the nation. More Assyrians have recently become refugees again. In our minds like in our hearts we feel nothing but lack of defense and inconsolable grief alike.

     As of 1989 we have been trying to gather all Assyrians in pursuit of the national cause. As a result we have only established a great number of Assyrian public organizations. Today none of them alone could really enjoy the power of playing a significant role in the destiny of the nation.

     At the same time it was in the former Russian Empire and then in the former Soviet Union where the modern history of the Assyrian people was actually made. It was there when the great patriarch Mar Benjamin Shimun along with the courageous general Agha Putrus played the key role in the future of our people. It was there again where such prominent figures like Dr. Freidoon Atturaya, Rabbi Benjamin Arsanis and Rabbi Shlimun Bet lazar held the light for the whole nation. Despite the ferocious purges in 1930s we were able to preserve the intellectual potential of the 1 nation. It would be unfair if the latter-day generation for some reason will break off their line with the national roots and legacy and apparently with the ability to for see the future for the nation.

     Therefore proceeding from these considerations the "Atra" and "Melta" editorial boards come out with an appeal to all Assyrians in CIS countries to give up no hope and to call for the national convention of Assyrians from eastern Europe with the secured participation of all Assyrians in CIS countries despite the differences in political, ideological or religious opinions, and on the other hand, despite their apparent member- ship in all kinds of public, cultural or political organizations. We propose you should see an opportunity to collect funds to delegate your representatives to this venue and to work out draft programs or a list of your opinions on measures that should be taken:

a) to tackle issues inside the CIS Diaspora and b) to come to grips with all national problems of Assyrians in the world.

     We are certainly aware that this measure on our part will set a very good example to all Assyrians to follow and yet this initiative will promote other Assyrian venues in western Europe, America, Australia and Near East. This effort probably will pick up a campaign to set a world Assyrian assembly where presumably a special program should be proposed and drafted in only one pursuit of national preservation and creation of the national hearth as well"

     It is very urgent to take this measure now as it may be the eleventh hour to strike for all of us indeed, we must be. highly responsible and persistent for this moment, otherwise our own descendants will put us to shame after all.

     We demand you send your decisions and proposals to the following address, "Melta" office, addressee personal P.O. Box 18, 129642 Moscow, Russia.

     Both "Atra" and "Melta" workers are willing to take on all organizing matters as well as to send out information on the date and place of the venue.

"Atra" Journal

"Melta" Bulletin