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1995, Volume 1,  No.3-4  pages 38-40



by Marona Arsanis

Aphorism is a vision of the truth.

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Truth is constant but too hard to reach for it travels far and wide.

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Progress cannot be headed off because it smashes all through the way.

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Civilization goes pretty well along with ignorance.

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 Eternity is the grandeur of all. *

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Accumulation on earth as well as in galaxy leads to explosion after all.

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Belief reflects the target-

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 Belief can cloud the view sometimes.

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Destruction clears the ground for the new.

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In the life tranquility of someone sometimes is restlessness of the others.

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One will never be able to buy or borrow his life with money.

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A good idea is always original, but a bad one needs good company.

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Life is only the overture to death and eternity.

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Consideration makes for culture.

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Hearing is bigger than speaking- "

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It is so easy to make an error but it takes a lifetime to smooth it out. I

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The youth makes mistakes, the old pays his dues.

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While the youth learns how to spend its energy the old learns how to save it.

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Quest for power, ever leads to blood shedding.

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When the man is asleep, he discovers a personality in him.

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There is only a thin layer between good and bad.

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Science itself is never exceptional, but there are exceptions in it.

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Every age has its own problems. 

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It is a pity that animals cannot speak, otherwise they would tell us what they think we are.

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The worst catastrophe is cruelty, of man.

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Struggle and contradictions only feed the world.

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If you praise a woman in presence of another woman, she will find faults with her promptly.

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If there is a hole, and you will not have it fixed, then there will be a pit very soon

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Life and death are both omnipresent.

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Every animal wants to be a pet.

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There is no ideal state.

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Repentance should come after a sin.

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Some nations choose assimilation

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assimilation is like long steady extinction of the nation, who breathing the air of a different culture loses their spirit in the end.

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The worst of assimilation is indifference to it.

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Assimilation is when your native language fades away, but the language you actively speak becomes actual-

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People will become wiser if the fish has learned to tell the worm from the bait.

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Upbringing is not like instruction, but education only.

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Thoughtlessness is the source of all human faults-

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My library and me, we owe much to one another .

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Every soldier returns home from the battlefield with a sore heart-

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There is only one step from internationalism to nationalism-

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Chance can be good for ones and bad for the others.

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Good as much as evil leaves its trail.

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Only man is to blame for everything that decays.

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All animals like hunting, but the man does it any better .


Everybody and everyone go to decay day by day.

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Who denies anybody else's power. he shows his weakness-

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The wiser is one who sees through himself.

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You lose a bet to the stubborn and you lose out to the wiser alike.

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Only good things burn like fire. the rest just smolders.

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If you are disappointed with life. then you're so weak. but when you find faults within

yourself. you are stronger.

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The man can lie as long as people bear it.

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We all have one history. but different historians.

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Deep thinking can make one change his mind.

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Self perfection is the hardest of all.

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Civilization makes no way for jungles

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The instinct is twisted by civilization


Traditions can lay chains on the heart sometimes.

There is no peace if two greatest characters WI come along

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Every revolution has its own monsters

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Even technical progress may cause blood and destruction.

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One tried to live by spiritual fare only. he nearly died of hunger .

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 Nature made too many species without giving them food to eat. so they began to eat one another

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     And when I die. my body will decay and fall into million fragments of me. And those fragments will come traveling in unknown places beneath the ground and floating their celestial ways making sometimes strange combinations with the others. Maybe, they will find some exotic forms of existence in the nature. And probably I will look very different then. I expect at least one of the numerous fragments of my body will turn into a flower after all. And a young girl. maybe. will pick it up in her soft hands giving me a mere chance to feel the gentle aroma of life again.