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1995 Volume 1, No.2  page39-40




     The unnumbered casualties of the Second World War saved this civilization from the most terrible peril in its history.  The war caused everyone a lot of suffering in the world that actually was brought to a threat of everlasting enslavement, anti-sociability and violation of all moral principles. In the face of this danger all the nations irrespective of political and ideological differences were allied to fight fascism, oppression, and tyranny.

     Today in commemoration of this victory we must on the fiftieth occasion of the event pay great tribute to all those who perished in the -most atrocious war and express our gratitude for their courage and remarkable power of endurance. We glorify them all like heroes; we must remember their heroic deeds to secure a future world without wars and violence. We were given a real chance to live in peace. Therefore in our entreaty to almighty for the greatest victory and deliverance from the dark and evils we all pray for our common future, for our children, for peace and prosperity in the coming millennium.

     Assyrians made a considerable contribution to the common victory over fascism in the Second World War as well. They actually filled fighting ranks on every major frontline from Stallingard to Berlin, from Ardennes to EI-Alamein, they participated in the operations of British and American army expedition force in Normandy, France, as well as in the battle of Ardennes in Northern Europe, in the Pacific ocean and on far-off islands in South and East Asia, Assyrians were fighting on all the fronts on the territory of the Soviet Union. Three Assyrians from a 30 thousand strong Assyrian community force in the Soviet Union were awarded with the highest medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union. As a matter of fact this medal was awarded to only 11,500 Soviet people during the wartime. Hundreds of Assyrians were rewarded with other orders and medals. We remember many Assyrian names of .the people who fought fascism in different allied forces in the army of USSR, USA, France and Great Britain. As fighters Assyrians were also useful in North Africa as well as in the rear of the enemy. Inside the Jacobite church of St. Markus in Jerusalem I happened to meet one Assyrian who spoke fluently in both western and eastern dialects of the language. He used to be a soldier of general B. Montgomery's army Assyrian Legion that actively operated in North Africa and where both west and east Assyrians were standing shoulder to shoulder to fight.

     In May 1945 when fascism was defeated at long last, people were hoping for an era of peace, friendship and cooperation to come. However, the cold war period that followed broke the spell over great expectations of the nations. Now five decades later we again fill our hearts with hopes for a better world for us all due to possibly reasonable policies from all of the world powers today. At this point we would like to remember the statements that were made 50 years ago by the four leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition, but unfortunately those pledges never became practical afterwards.

     This is the pledge heard from the Red army highest commander Joseph Stalin, "From now on in the history of the civilization the flag of all colors will be flying in the air to symbolize peace and freedom allover the world.

     Three years ago Hitler declared publicly that his primary mission is disintegration of the Soviet Union and separation of the Caucasus", Ukraine, Byelorussia, Baltic Republics, etc. from the USSR. He said as much, "We shall destroy Russia to dust so it will never rise again " .It was three years ago. But this mad cap's ideas now have been ruined after all for the war in its course has turned them to dust instead. Therefore the things for our enemies have turned quite opposite to what they schemed. Germany is defeated completely. The fascist armies are laying down their guns everywhere. The Soviet Union is a triumphant victory though we never shall try to break Germany into parts or to destroy it at all.

Comrades! The great patriotic war has ended with a full victory of our military forces. The war is over in Europe. The peaceful development has now been resumed already".

     Here is the statement from the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, "Today I guess we basically shall be thinking about ourselves. Tomorrow we shall thank our Russian ally very dearly. Their contribution was one of the greatest to the mutual victory.

After the heroic France was defeated we proceeded alone to resist on our isles and in the provinces of our empire round the whole year until the military power of the Soviet Union was added, and later the overwhelming military forces and resources of the United States of America. In the long run, the whole world joined together to fight the villains who now are thrown down under our feet. Deep at our hearts everywhere in our land and in the whole empire we all feel nothing but gratitude for our heroic ally".

US president Garry Truman said, "It is a very solemn moment of fullest glory .I. wish Roosevelt had lived longer to see it now,

General Eisenhower reported to me that the German troops had laid their arms before the allied forces. Flying colors of freedom are seen everywhere in Europe.

     We must work very hard to heal the wounds we have suffered from and then try to create lasting peace in the world of justice and law. We shall be ably to secure it only by making a great effort jointly with our wartime allies through mutual understanding and cooperation with them."

     The head of the French provisional government Charles de Golle said in turn, "In the moment of our glory we must in love think of those who perished in the war for our motherland and then of those who survived in the fight till the victory day. No effort, not a single commitment was ever wasted indeed, so many heroes everywhere on the fronts in the land, on the sea or in the air .So much courage and so much suffering for women and men in captivity, and every grief and every sacrifice and a single teardrop was not wasted at all! The French nation overwhelmed with pride and joy is. " Sending its best brotherly regards to there

Heroic allies who also suffered very much for the mutual cause, both the highest commanding ranks and

army soldiers as well as

Civilian people, women and men, who fought and labored to see the light of justice and freedom on the

victory day".

     May we be confident that the spirit of freedom, justice and mutual understanding will maintain on earth ever after indeed. May we not forget the lives spared for our " common ideals?