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1995 Volume 1, No2, pg 3


  Dear Reader,

  Due to certain objective reasons we could not offer you a regular subscription for the bulletin "MELT A " this year. This fact can be explained by inadequate connections with the Assyrian Diaspora at large and by specialty of the bulletin itself, which apparently has secured only a fairly small reader- ship while the rest of it probably wanted to find a more artistic approach instead.

In the meantime, we are certain that the issues we came out with in the bulletin had a considerable impact on the modem Assyrians. Therefore the discussions on these issues are necessary for the national cause indeed. We try to make it clear that we are interested in showing for all of the Diaspora the life and pursuits of the " Soviet" Assyrians, their way of thinking, hopes and potentiality and willingness to make their own contribution to the national cause.

In our opinion one of the main targets of our bulletin is to induce among Assyrians anew way of thinking based on the priority of national interests over interests of individuals and/or communities and to raise new generation of Assyrians saturated with the conception of winning themselves a national home for all Assyrians.  Revival and progress of the nation scattered allover the world can be feasible only with the spiritual dominance. We are totally sure that we shall over come despite unnumbered difficulties and strife. Our bulletin will get off the ground and gain support after all. Therefore we are planning to go on with this bulletin quarterly. We just ask our readers who are interested in this bulletin to send us their mailing addresses so that they would be able to get the following issues of the bulletin free and easy. Besides, we are asking largest national, cultural centers to become our public distributors. We shall be happy to send you "MELTA" issues in large quantities for further distribution. In case of financial difficulties "MELTA" will be published from 1996 as an o yearly edition but with a full coverage of the four quarterly issues.


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