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1995, Volume 1, No.2, pages 34-38 |
The modern civilization has known no ordeals in its history like it was
in the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. The ruling gang in the
Sultan's Turkey encouraged by young Turks nationalistic movement organized a
sweeping massacre of over half a million Armenians and turned the whole western
territory of Armenia into a complete desert.
This cruelty from the nationalistic party of young Turks ('Ittikhadve
Terrakki') was a culminating point in the policy of physical destruction of
Armenians in Turkey. As a matter of fact, this policy was initiated by the
tyrannical Sultan Abdoul Hammid in the last quarter of the 19th century .It is
known that about 300,000 residents were murdered in 1890s. Some more 40,000
people perished in the town of Adana and in the provinces of Kilikia somewhere
around 1909.
The terrible ordeal that the Armenian people faced back in Turkey was one
of the cruelest episodes in the whole history of mankind.
But why this was the ill fate for one of the most ancient and most
cultural nations in the world? And what was the cause of mass killing of
Armenians in the Osman Empire?
Armenians in the west of the country suffered very much from the Turkish
tyranny, which was manifested in oppression and submission on the part of local
feudal barons. Oppression was exerted in the most cruel and disgusting manners.
The cruelty of Sultans and Pashas was not surpassed in the years. The situation
for the Armenians was the hardest in view of many threats like persecution and
massacre in the end.
The documents found in the German, British, and American archives
revealed many facts of unprecedented extermination of the Armenian nation.
According to the Russian general M. Litukhin who traveled in the West Armenia in
1854 to 1855, "I saw people with cut-off nose or ears. It was mainly done
by act of violence and obviously on the arbitrary judgment from a local baron or
any other authority".1
Armenian patriotic committee in Europe called all major foreign ministers to
consider the Turkish policy in the Western Armenia. The Turkish rules "made
a plan to destroy the whole nation, and this plan is under way indeed for people
are dying and the economy is being ruined. The Turkish government has been
operating this way since the approval of point 61 of the Berlin treatise".2
The American ambassador in Constantinople Mr. Thompson wrote to his
British counterpart Clare Ford on the 13th of March "having read the
messages from our counselor in Marzvan Mr. Juillet, I am more certain to think
that the Christian population of this region is in a very difficult situation
Armenian issue was inevitably resulted from the intolerable social and national
oppression aggravated by violence and even killings. This issue was used all
along by major world powers in their diplomatic game. Meantime the population of
the Western Armenia was trying to organize opposition to support their
elementary rights to normal living and even to a life itself. Wherever they
could they embarked on self - defense and liberation movement which is always an
indisputable right and obligation of every oppressed nation.
Unfortunately the military machine of feudal Turkey knew only one way out
of the conflict through massacre and physical destruction of a little nation
inside a metropolitan country .The Turks acted mercilessly making their way into
the Armenian-inhabited territory with the fire and the sword. The Turkish feudal
barons and the new bourgeoisie alike who were already drawn on the pan Turkish
expansion in the world largely encouraged this sort of tactics.
after the Berlin congress in 1878 the Sultan Abdoul Hammid along with his high
advisors cynically said, "The destruction of the people will kill the
Armenian issue".
Hammid merciless policy against Armenians was fully carried out in 1890s. The
people in Sassun, Constantinople, Trape, zund, Erzrum, Marash, Sebastia, Erznk,
Van, Bagesh, Harberd, Oiarbekir and others were massacred. The Turks repeated
this operation in the following year as well. Tens of thousand people were
killed and hundreds of towns and villages were demolished. The whole region was
devastated over two years indeed.
The Hammid bloodshed policy for the Armenian people was largely handed
down to his successors, young Turks leaders who came to power in 1908. They even
got that far beyond the blood that was shed before. They were planning to
enslave Slavs, Armenians, Jews, Greeks and other nations found on the territory
of the Ottoman Empire. They seemed far more persistent than Abdul Harnmid.
The leaders of the young Turks party had supported the ideas of freedom
and democracy, fraternity and equality before they came to power. However they
turned to a cruelest tyranny known ever before "When the young Turks came
to Istanbul", as wrote Emile Doumergue, -"they brought along freedom
of thought and even the French revolutionary songs, as they said". This
show-off continued till the young Turks managed to enchant a few diplomats.
After same time pan Islamism was replaced by pan Turkism, i.e. the cruelest form
of nationalism that ever existed in the world".4
This Cannibal policy was meant first of all for Armenians. In fact, the
young Turkish leaders wanted to seize and annex the Caucasus and the Armenian
people who were always Russian-oriented were in the way. Therefore the Turkish
pal1y decided to destroy the Armenian people on their approach to Caucasus.
In the archives there are many official documents, which tell of a
top-secret conference of the young Turks leaders. They came out with a terrible
decision to destroy" the Armenian people. There goes what Dr. Nazym Bei
said at the conference, ". The Armenian people must be destroyed completely
without a trace in our land at all. This is wartime now. We should not miss this
brilliant chance. The powers would most probably stand up to oppose along with
the world press media, but they all would be late and have to face the real fact
of the conflict instead. However we must act bravely indeed to kill Armenians
totally and everyone...I demand only Turks should stay and rule in this land.”5
The other participants in the conference including the military minister
Enver Pasha, minister of internal affairs Talaat-Pasha .et al, supported this
commitment in the Cannibal spirit. They all agreed to conceive a plan to destroy
Armenians. They implemented their plan during the First World War perfidiously
and mercilessly.
The Turkish government in their perfidious manner again under
pretext of mobilization called up young Armenians to the military service. Soon
they were disarmed and transformed to "workers battalions" and then
were secretly executed in small groups. On the of April 1915 and
afterwards several hundreds of west Armenian intellectuals were arrested and
then murdered. Having finished with the majority of Armenian adult male
population including many activists, the organizers of the massacre turned to
slaughter women, children and old people. Partly they were murdered in their
home places, partly they were forced out of their homes and scattered to be
finished by special criminal gangs on the road. Those who reached the hot
deserts of Mesopotamia perished in the starvation and disease, or were robbed
and killed by the police and by hired bandits alike.
In terms of the Armenian deportation the US ambassador for Turkey Mr.
Henry Morgenthau said as ho reflected on the events, "The deportation then
really meant robbery and destruction. That was anew method of massacre indeed.
With the formal deportation the whole nation was sentenced to death. The Turkish
authorities certainly were aware of this fact as they did not find it necessary
to conceal it while they were conferring with me".6
In his public speech during the trial in Berlin concerning the murder of
Talaat-Pasha by the Armenian patriot Sogomon Teyleryan, l. Lepsius commented,
"In his order Talaat-Pasha uses this phrase exactly, "Deportation
means annihilation ". As I. Lepsius continued he stated that "It was
officially announced that this deportation was a mere prevention. However some
authoritative figures honestly said deportation would lead to destruction of
Armenians in any case.”7
It is noteworthy that the German counselor in Erzerum Schoibner-Richter cabled
to the German embassy in Constantinople on the 2nd of June 1915 that deportation
of Armenians would "mean amass destruction".8
The Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire was organized in very cruel
forms. The cruelty of the young Turks leaders would be repeated in many ways by
the Nazi regime during the Second World War. Therefore the Turkish butchers were
in many ways the precursors of the fascist cutthroats.
Mass killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Turkey initiated at the end of
1914 and spread nationwide in the spring of 1915 were continued in the following
years as well. Killings spread over the West Armenia and all Armenian-inhabited
territories in the Ottoman Empire. Thousands of villages and towns were bur'1ed
down at the time.9
The French publicist Henry Barbis who traveled in the West Armenia in
1916 wrote down in his notebook, "Whoever travels across the deserted
Armenia now he cannot help but feel shattered at the view of these continuous
ruins of death and devastation... In every canyon or gorge one can easily find
someone's grave under the open skies. It's where deep inside those places only
white bones could be seen scattered down the rocks and stones as the killers had
not cared to bury them at all.
In the places where Armenians used to flourish in their own homes could
be seen only destruction and abandonment all around".10
Amidst the perished many hundred thousand people were greatest west
Armenian writers, poets and publicists like Grigor Zokhrab, Daniel Varuzhan,
Siamanto, Sevak, Zardaryax and many other workers of science and art. The
greatest Armenian composer Comitas who survived only by chance would go insane
instead because of the deepest suffering he felt after the massacre.
What is the total number of casualties? Under closer inspection it is
obvious that in the time of Sultan Abdoul Hammid over 350,000 Armenians were
murdered, while the young Turks politicians ordered 1.5 million people to be
killed. Some 800,000 refugees were accommodated in the Caucasus, in the Arab
East, in Greece, etc. If in 1870s about 3 million Armenians lived in the Western
Armenia and Turkey, then in 1918 the number was only 200,000.
It should be also said that the killing of Armenians in Turkey was
continued afterwards as well. Therefore in 1919 to 1922 the Turkish military
alongside some nationalistic gangs organized new mass persecution of Armenians
in the East and West Armenia, in central provinces of Turkey, in Kilikia, the
town of Izmir and other places, but unfortunately the world public at large did
not know those tragic events.
There are a great variety of special books on the genocide of Armenians
in the Ottoman Empire. Many famous historians, publicists, writers, workers of
science and art in Russia, England, France, USA, Germany, Italy, Switzerland,
etc. along with the eye witnesses of the terrible events including Armenians,
Greeks, Arabs, Kurds and Turks all wrote on this unprecedented ordeal. An
intensive re-coverage of the events happened to be in 1965 and 1975 when it was
the fiftieth and sixtieth anniversary of the longest and cruelest massacre in
the West Armenia in the year of 1915. In the works mentioned above both Abdoul
Hammid, the young Turks leaders and their accomplices were cursed. It is
noteworthy that the participants to the world peace congress in Helsinki in July
1965 unanimously condemned the genocide of Armenians as well. Today everyone who
ever went to school or college should know of the greatest ordeal of the
Armenian people.
However it comes to put it mildly like a surprise when many Turkish
officials or so- called intellectual workers of the nation today deny the fact
of the genocide of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.
Turkish ruling circles, official and non-official historians and almost every
publicist in the mass media have been trying to prove recently what never can be
proved at all? I mean, they say there was no genocide of the Armenian people in
the Ottoman Empire ever before. On the contrary, it was Armenians who allegedly
organized persecution of Turks instead. The British, American and French
archives as the Turkish officials declare should not be unbiased in their
definition because those countries in fact were hostile to Turkey during the
first World War anyway, therefore those archives cannot be considered consistent
as they claim.
All this campaign has been launched to put a curb upon the world
powers and the UNO decision to recognize the genocide of Armenians in the
Ottoman Empire. Though this genocide happened in the time of the young Turks
power the latter-day leaders of the nation still deny this (fact anyway. .In
this case the Germany's act of humanity towards the Jewish people did not
unfortunately set an example to the Turkish leaders.
Today many political leaders even on a governmental level speak for the
recognition of the genocide of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. In particular,
the European parliament has adopted a resolution to condemn genocide in its all
This year on the 14th of April the State Duma (Parliament) of the federal
assembly of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution to condemn the genocide
of the Armenian people in 1915 to 1922.
The history of mankind had it in such a way that the worst disaster in
the 2Oth century, I mean, mass deportation and extermination was to fall on the
Armenians in Turkey. The West Armenia, which was the origin of the whole
Armenian cultural and economic life through centuries, ceased to exist.
The terrible ordeal of the Armenian people is a tragedy of the whole
cultural world. Therefore despite the opposition of antagonists in different
parts of the world this tragedy is recalled not only by Armenians but all good
will people at large. I surmise this is not just the act of good remembrance of
the people fallen by the Turkish sword. It is more important for all -- the
nations today to draw a lesson to prevent this sort of ordeals in the future.
There is no doubt that in case of connivance of the world community or
even definite powers and what is worse predominance of mercenary considerations
in the policy, the aggression against people and even nations might happen
1 Litukhin M., Russians in Asian Turkey in 1854 to 1855, 1863
Embassy in Constantinop1e. No.3133, pp.27-28.
3 The Annenians in Turkey before the Intervention of the world major powers in 1895. M 1896. P.329
4 Downergue E. L ' Annenie, Les Massacres et la question D'orient, Paris, 1917, p.127.
5 Mevlan Zade Rifat, Turke Inkilabinin ic yuzu, Halep, 1929, s.89-93
Henry. Ambassador Morgenthau's Story. New York, 1918, p.310.
und Armenien~ s.485. 8 Ibidem, s.94.
8 8 Ibidem, s.94
9 Central State Historical Archives of the Armenian SSR. #57, 2, c.692, p.17
10 Barbis Henry. In the Land of Terror. Tiflis, 1919, p.40.