Professor Konstantine Matveev was born on December 10, 1934 in the city of
Voronesh, 600 Kilometers from Moscow, Russia. His father was born in Gavar
and his mother in Al-Bak in northeastern Turkey.
During World War I his grandparents participated in the Assyrian Rebellion against the Ottoman Empire and were repressed as many Assyrians were. His grandfather, Mammu Bar Mattai of Gavar, participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 on the side of Russia and received permission to settle down in the Kars province of Turkey in the village of Samawat.
Professor Matveev finished his education in the secondary school in 1953 and entered into the Teacher's Institute Foreign Languages section and specialized in the English and German languages. After his graduation from this institute in 1958 he taught at the local university and in the following year he married and relocated to Moscow. In Moscow he finished a postgraduate course of the Oriental Institute and for his thesis, he wrote on "The Assyrian Question in World War I and after", this was in 1965; he then achieved a masters of Arts in History degree.
In 1983 for his doctorate dissertation he wrote on the subject of "The
Struggle of the Assyrian people from freedom and Independence", the end of
the 19th century - the 70th of the 20th century'. Two years later, in 1985
he received the title of Professor and he was appointed as the deputy chief of
the Department of History of Russia, Chief of the Department of Politology
(Politics), President of the Academy 'Rus' and 'Assyria' of the Pedagogical
Society of Russia.
Prof. Matveev published fifteen books on the subject of Assyrian history,
culture, traditions and has written more than 300 articles in Russian, Arabic,
English and Assyrian.
In December 1997 Prof. Matveev completed a course in History of Religions, in England. He currently serves as the President of the Assyrian Refugee Relief Foundation of U.K.
During the months of September and October of 1998, Prof. Matveev was a guest
of the Bet Nahrain Organization and Bet Nahrain Democratic Party in Sydney
Australia. During this visit,
he deliverede numerous lectures on the topic of Assyrian history as well
as recent history and on the Assyrians in Russia. These lectures were
repeated at the universities of Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne. During
this visit he brought with him numerous books and lecture papers as well as a
new documentary film on the Assyrians of Russia entitled "Tragedy of
Survival". This is a professionally produced documentary running
approximately a one hour, narated in English and is based on historical photos
taken by the Russian soldiers who fled the battle fields during WWI.
This film details the attrocities experienced by Assyrians fleeing the turkish massacres and settling in Russia and their efforts to maintain their identity during the past seventy years of russian comunist rule. The documentary attempts to predict what the future might hold for the Assyrians in Russia after more than seventy years of isolation from their bretherns.
His Australian visit itenary included the Nineveh Club, Assyrian Sports and Cultural Club as well as the Assyrian Charity and Educational Community. In addition to visiting the Assyrian community in Melbourne, he met with Asutralian government officials as well as other Assyrian organizations. He was interviewed by the Assyrian, Australian as well as Arabic radio and television programs with regards to this visit.
Scheduled Lectures and Documentary:
09/27/98 Nineveh Club 6:00PM Tragedy of Survival, A documentary on
Assyrians of Russia,
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
09/29/98 Australian National University 2:00PM - Russian Policy in the
Middle East.
09/30/98 Nineveh Club 7:30PM- History of Assyrians from anceint times and
the Modern
Assyrians are the decendants of the anceint fathers.
10/02/98 Assyrian Sports and Cultureal Club 7:30PM - Tragedy of Survival
and the Assyrians, Arameans, Syrians, Chaldeans are on nation separated by
religioun and the lengthy history.
10/06/98 Sydney University - Russian Policy in the Middle East and the
Renaissance of
Islam in Modern Russia.
10/07/98 Sydney University - The Assyrians, Arameans, Syrians, Chaldeans
are one nation
separated by religion and the lengthy history.
10/09/98 Babylon Cultural Club 6:00PM - Tragedy of Survival documentary,
and the Assyrians, Arameans, Syrians, Chaldeans are on nation separated by
religioun and the lengthy history.
10/16/98 Melbourne University 2:00PM The Renaissance of Islam in
Modern Russia,
the Reasons and Consequences.
10/18/98 Hudra D'Beth Nahrain - Melboune - Tragedy of Survival
and the Assyrians, Arameans, Syrians, Chaldeans are on nation separated by
religioun and the lengthy history.
Among his published books are:
The Assyrian Question during and after WWI (in Russian and Arabic).
The Assyrian Problem in the modern and present time (in Russian and Arabic).
The Struggle of the Assyrian People for freedom and independence (19th Century -
the present times) (In Russian and Arabic).
When the Cuneiform began to speak (The Ancient Assyrian Culture and History) (in
Russian and Arabic).
The Land of Ancient Mesopotamia (in Russian, Arabic and English).
Jesus Christ was and Assyrian (in Russian and English).
The Assyrians, their history, literature, language in the world literature and
journalism (in Russian and English).
History and Ethnography, Traditions, Habits, Culture (in Russian and English).
Interpretations of the Assyrian dreams (in Russian, Arabic and English).
Wise parables of the Assyrian nations(about several thousands) (in Russian,
Arabic and English).
History of Ancient Syria(Connections of Assyria and Syria, Christianity in
Syria, Assyria's influence on Syria, Assyria's conquest of Syria, Maronites and
Assyrians and so on(in Russian and English).
Bar-Ebraya's laughable stories. With a long biography and introduction (in
Russian and English).
The Participation of Russia's Assyrians and Assyrians of the Middle East in
World War II on the side of Russia, France, England and USA - Fictions stories
with photos (in Russian and English).
The laughable stories of Metropolitan Mar-Aprim of India (in Russian and
The Assyrian fairy tales in three volumes(in Russian and English).